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Post History: Eben Monney
2 years ago
Hello Alps,
GitHub OAuth is not currently implemented in QuickApp.You'll have to integrate it …In: Configure QuickApp to allow github Authentication
2 years ago
All editions of QuickApp (PRO, STANDARD, OPENSOURCE) have been updated to Core 6 and Angular …In: QuickApp version 6 with ASP.Net Core 6 / Angular 14 for all editions of QuickApp
2 years ago
We can provide you an invoice for your purchase.
But it doesn't include a tax componen …In: Purchase of QuickApp Ultimate with credit card payment
3 years ago
It appears IdentifyServer is blocking your connection on http.What do the logs say? \Logs
N …In: Unable to Login
3 years ago
Hello Jes,
In the orders column after you're logged in.Or by using the original download link …In: How to Download
3 years ago
There was a temporal issue with PayPal payment processing. This has since been resolved and …In: information request
3 years ago
Yes, credit cards are now accepted. These are still processed by PayPal but you DON'T n …In: Purchase of QuickApp Ultimate with credit card payment
3 years ago
Hello David,
Your application is successfully using http and not https.What is happening is angular …In: Unable to Login
3 years ago
Hello Mohamed,
When you run the application there's a watcher that converts all the scss (sass …In: Solved
3 years ago
Hello David,
Sorry for the late response.To disable SSL comment out this line app.UseHsts(); in Sta …In: Unable to Login
3 years ago
Hello Anders,
Apologies for the inconvenience.There was an issue with your order that has since bee …In: No support
4 years ago
Hello Arjan,
We do this to keep things simple.We keep the ClientApp and the WebAPI which drives the …In: Why are both Angular and WebAPI combined into a single project?
4 years ago
This block is an auto-generated field by IISExpress for development.
You can change them …In: Question about the conversion from version 2.8 to 3.0 HttpsRedirectionPort
5 years ago
A download link was sent to the email associated with your account for the requested versi …In: .Net Core 2.x. How to get?
5 years ago
Please send a mail to with your order ID and we'll respond wit …In: .Net Core 2.x. How to get?
5 years ago
.Net Core 3.0 is out. See …In: Support for .Net Core 3.0
5 years ago
Existing users can download the upgrade using their original download link. Please note downloads ar …In: Version 3.0 with ASP.Net Core 3.0/Angular 8 Release for all editions of QuickApp
5 years ago
Hello, Identity server already uses JWT tokens.
You can work with the current behavior without modi …In: Just bought QuickApp.Pro, want to add models into DB,
5 years ago
Hello Sameer,
Thanks for purchasing the template.
The package you purchased (QuickApp PRO) alrea …In: Just bought QuickApp.Pro, want to add models into DB,
5 years ago
Found an order that matched your profile and resent you the order details with the download link.
P …In: Paid for the Ultimate version but no download was sent
5 years ago
Hello Peter,
Sorry to hear that.
You should've receive a mail with the download link.
Plea …In: Paid for the Ultimate version but no download was sent
5 years ago
You'll have to do that with IdentityServer by implementing an IEventSink.
See the off …In: How to catch Signed In Even
5 years ago
This line from settings.component.ts opens the appropriate feature based on the value of the …In: Problem with the mat accordion
5 years ago
Hello @frederick_fulcher.
A support mail was sent to you for the necessary procedure.
Regards, …In: Where do I get Quickapp after I payed for it?
5 years ago
All templates have been updated to have these feature sets "A working implementation of …In: Forget password functionality
5 years ago
Yes, these are new updates to the template.
You have free updates to the template for a y …In: QuickApp Angular 8
5 years ago
All editions of QuickApp (PRO, STANDARD, OPENSOURCE) have been updated to Angular 8.
Existing use …In: QuickApp Angular 8 update for all editions
5 years ago
This is a late response. Sorry for that.
The Token endpoint is part of the openid specific …In: How does the logging in work? (a link will suffice)
5 years ago
6 years ago
Specific implementations for Products, Orders and Customers are not part of this template. …In: where is the code for product, orders CURD operations.
6 years ago
Hello Dirk,
Sorry you had a problem with your download.
It has been regenerated. Please check …In: Where do I get Quickapp after I payed for it?
6 years ago
@christopher_fowers Also let me add this. The below recommendations is with reference to the configu …In: Unable to obtain configuration error
6 years ago
The answer here on stackoverflow will help you understand what is going on and how to get …In: Problem with rxjs 6.4.0 by build prod
6 years ago
What is happening is that the authentication middleware is not configured for your product …In: Unable to obtain configuration error
6 years ago
As Ingo recommended pipes are good for these kind of formatting. Take a look at the inbuil …In: Format number
6 years ago
To solve this issue and make it work ith Rxjs 6.4.0 change the line below in the file acco …In: Error after upgrade "rxjs": "6.4.0"
6 years ago
What version of QuickApp do you use?
Can you send the same package you're testing with to supp …In: Long debug start time
6 years ago
Yes, the backend is a standard restful API. Angular is just one of the many clients that c …In: API Access in desktop application
6 years ago
Good approach.
Glad you got it working.
Eben MonneyIn: How I can changing rtl/ltr direction dynamically
6 years ago
Running migration into an existing database with tables is not supported out of the box in entityfra …In: Migration with existing Database
6 years ago
What you could do is render the report to your desired format (e.g. pdf) on the server and s …In: Can I use RDLC with this template?
6 years ago
Try the following to see if it helps with your situation.
Debug a fresh/blank copy of …In: Long debug start time
6 years ago
This is already part of quickapp-standard.
This will …In: Registration page
6 years ago
Will this fit your requirements?
<input dir="rtl" id="foo"/>
Details can …In: How I can changing rtl/ltr direction dynamically
6 years ago
I tested your attached project and was not able to reproduce the issue.
Your application …In: Problem with a 2nd Login
6 years ago
What does the logs say? (Project Root -> Logs).
Can you share the content here?
Als …In: Problem with a 2nd Login
6 years ago
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