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Post History: Eben Monney
I assume you're using QuickApp-PRO which uses angular material for its UI.
You can u …In: Use Quickapp for mobile devices
6 years ago
Hello Sergey,
Sorry you had issues with your download. Our records indicates the package has been …In: Problem with Invoice ID: WC-4652
6 years ago
Hello Tony thanks for the thumbs up!
My take on this is upgrading to the latest angular 7 version …In: Feedback on Angular7 pro - issue with IdentityServer
6 years ago
Once a license expires, you'll need to purchase the same license again to extend it f …In: Where I can renew my QuickApp Ultimate - Premium license?
6 years ago
The project you sent works well both in VS and IIS in our test environment.
So lets go through the …In: Can not get data from the server
6 years ago
This issue is related to IdentityServer configuration. IdentityServer is attempting to retrieve conf …In: Can not get data from the server
6 years ago
There is a "Logs" folder in the startup project that'll contain specifics about the e …In: Can not get data from the server
6 years ago
All editions of QuickApp have been updated to Angular 7. Please try downloading again.
If you hav …In: When will QuickApp Ultimate be upgraded to Angular 7?
6 years ago
Make sure you target the right framework version in the publish profile too (.pubxml).
…In: Problem after upgrade to .Netcore 2.2
6 years ago
No, you don't have to make any changes to QuickApp to deploy to IIS.
Simply publish your proje …In: Deploy ASP.NET Core to IIS
6 years ago
This is an invalid order number. All payments were reversed and the download link invalida …In: problem about my order
6 years ago
Currently what you get is the source code to the project.
Whereas it is not directly integrated int …In: Template Install
6 years ago
@graeme_atkinson sorry you've had issues with the updates and with support.
We'll do our …In: Is this application still being supported?
6 years ago
Multitenancy is not built in out of the box. You'll have to extend it to include this feature.
…In: QuickApp Pro - Multitenancy
6 years ago
Hello @keith and @vijay. Originally all updates are announced on my twitter feed. In addition I' …In: Welcome to the forum!
6 years ago
All editions of QuickApp (PRO, STANDARD, OPENSOURCE) have been updated with the latest backend and f …In: QuickApp Angular 7 update is out
6 years ago
The below update affects QuickApp Pro and QuickApp Standard and existing applications are encouraged …In: Moving from concurrently to npm-run-all in package.json
6 years ago
Quote from etichenor on October 10, 2018, 3:53 pm
Hello again. This worked for me although I don� …In: "Cannot GET /"
6 years ago
Hello. Sorry for the mix up. Your download link will work for a year so you can get future updates o …In: Incorrect License Expiration Date
6 years ago
At the moment there's no template to do these generations based on a user defined modelIn: UOW Template
7 years ago
See the discussion here for a similar topic: …In: Question about UoW and Service layer
7 years ago
@ceosjleong Setting you database to winpoints is definitely a valid thing to do. You have both appse …In: Where does the database stored?
7 years ago
@alve The beauty of using an orm like EntityFrameworkCore is that its cross platform and allows you …In: Problems migrating to PostgreSQL
7 years ago
No those two are not related.
It'll be helpful if you provided the complete error stack than …In: Unable to retrieve users/roles
7 years ago
Great progress.
And thanks for sharing your approach. Its a good reference for people wanting to do …In: External identity server
7 years ago
@keith These are part of upcoming features. To contribute please get in touch via mail.In: Forget password functionality
7 years ago
@keith I assume you're refering to QuickApp Standard. Please get in touch via mail. There' …In: Adding roles, protect api and frontend components
7 years ago
Please see my response here: …In: Where does the database stored?
7 years ago
@jonathon_wyza No the "Views" folder is not necessary when you use the separate angular-cl …In: What is the purpose of having 2 projects, can you integrate quickapp.material under
7 years ago
This can happen if you have improper casing in any of your import paths. Double check you're im …In: Error: Can't resolve './app/app.module.ngfactory'
7 years ago
Quote from Eben Monney on March 1, 2018, 8:50 am
The connection string in the file appset …In: Datamigration
7 years ago
The user does not have access until they login.
To immediately redirect all users to the login pa …In: Authentication doesn't work as it supposed to work
7 years ago
7 years ago
The files you'll need to modify to get going are listed below:
permission …In: Adding roles, protect api and frontend components
7 years ago
See this thread on how to debug client side errors. …In: Datamigration
7 years ago
Aa ok. The extension does that pretty well. With a fine control over how the nesting should be.In: Angular template for Visual Studio
7 years ago
You don't need to manually do this. Migration is automatically applied at application …In: Datamigration
7 years ago
Do you mean related files are grouped/nested together?
This is achieved with a VisualStud …In: Angular template for Visual Studio
7 years ago
My experience with debugging typescript/JavaScript code in VisualStudio for SPA applications has not …In: Pro: Debug TypeScript not working in VS2017 Community
7 years ago
Please see this post for how to resolve this error: …In: Execution Error
7 years ago
Yes. From the template take a look at the file user-preferences.component.html. You'll see the …In: Angular Material - mat-select filtering
7 years ago
I updated the en.json as suggested and couldn't reproduce the crash.
Could this be caused b …In: Pro - HMR Causes Chrome to Crash
7 years ago
Thanks for the kind words.
Question: When I purchase a module, will I be able to download next …In: QuickApp Price and New Versions
7 years ago
The error indicates you're using nuget packages that are not compatible with .Net Standard.
…In: dotnet restore errors
7 years ago
There are no special steps specific for this project. The same angular approach you use with Angular …In: Prime NG Table
7 years ago
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