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Post History: Al Ve
I still don't get it working.
I've checked everything and set up everything as found in …In: Problems migrating to PostgreSQL
7 years ago
for the error unable to obtain configuraiton ... localhost:5050 read this: https://www.staging8.eben …In: Error consulting and creating users and roles
7 years ago
There are different possibilities, either you use CSS, either Bootstrap, either a directive/pipe to …In: Each letter should be automatically converted to uppercase.
7 years ago
The app is supported for any browser. The problem I guess is that you have a syntax error in one of …In: Support for IE11
7 years ago
The screens don't indicate what's wrong.
I suspect you have an error message on the fir …In: Error consulting and creating users and roles
7 years ago
If your import statements are there and you didn't change the package.json then I would suggest …In: Visual Studio 2017 displays errors even though the code is correct
7 years ago
Have you added to the startup class
services.AddSingleton<IAuthorizationHandler, EmployeeAutho …In: Problem with the authentication
7 years ago
Could you zip your code, remove any passwords, user id, ip address for the connectionstring and mail …In: How to replace the hard coded demoNotification with sql server data
7 years ago
The endpoint provides access to the api endpoint (your backend rest api). You're mixing things. …In: How to replace the hard coded demoNotification with sql server data
7 years ago
This is so unclear and it misses a lot of information.
What's happening, what's the err …In: How to replace the hard coded demoNotification with sql server data
7 years ago
for others who might get that too, check your startup class and point your authority to the correct …In: Unable to retrieve users/roles
7 years ago
for connectionstrings rely on
the problem is that it can' …In: No Database crreated
7 years ago
you can use http://localhost:5051/swagger/ in your case.
Alle the api's can be tested there. …In: Testing local api
7 years ago
That api is protected which means you need to log in (provide the token) to access the resources. If …In: Error 401 GET from api/account/users/me
7 years ago
Thanks Jes, I can indeed try that later on.
Question will adding migrations and updating the data …In: Problems migrating to PostgreSQL
7 years ago
some info about connectionstrings and possibilities for SQL server: …In: Where does the database stored?
7 years ago
What's the WINPOINTS server?
What database vendor is running on it?
Where do you run your …In: Where does the database stored?
7 years ago
Everything is working with MSSql and I have a problem now migrating to PostgreSQL.
I could …In: Problems migrating to PostgreSQL
7 years ago
I understand that UoW is an abstraction layer between the DAL and BL of the application and i …In: Question about UoW and Service layer
7 years ago
This forum is now archived. Click here for the New Support Forum