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Post History: Ingo
I would first try to bring the database up to date.With add-migration Versx
If you do not use …In: Installing IdentityServer4
4 years ago
4 years ago
5 years ago
Try calling this in ngAfterViewInit. Unfortunately, I cannot understand the error with me.In: mobileQuery.addEventListener
5 years ago
I keep getting the following errors from users:
this.mobileQuery.addEventListener i …In: Problem with the program under Chrome Mobile iOS version: 85.0.4183 iPad under version: 13.7
5 years ago
A version of Angular 9 and .NetCore 3.1 has been available on GitHub …In: I think this very good project is not being maintained.
5 years ago
Can someone give me a tip here how I can best migrate from version 8 to version 9. I've …In: Need help to upgrade to Angular 9
5 years ago
Hi Bmavi,
where is the problem on the client or server side? Write me down your email address.
…In: I think this very good project is not being maintained.
5 years ago
Hi Tony,
I have already changed the version to .NetCore 3.1. I will try to switch to Angular 9 in …In: I think this very good project is not being maintained.
5 years ago
Seti 4 months ago, Mr. Monney has no longer entered this forum. No answers are provided on ht …In: I think this very good project is not being maintained.
5 years ago
look into the appsettings.json if there the entry:
"ApplicationUrl": "http: …In: Startup.cs Error (line 90) when publishing to production server.
5 years ago
I have the same error and resolve it. But I do not know what I am installed.
htt …In: Swagger Error
5 years ago
If you enter ping on the web server, the IP of the server must appear !! …In: Local IIS Deployment as Application (not Default Site)
5 years ago
open this side:
then you see …In: Swagger do not work
5 years ago
we bind the side for exampel: or
Importan …In: Local IIS Deployment as Application (not Default Site)
5 years ago
I use Visuals Studio 2019 and use it to publish my project on my file system. Copy the genera …In: Local IIS Deployment as Application (not Default Site)
5 years ago
When the page opens for the first time, I can log in normally. When I click on Account / Logo …In: Problem with re-login in QuickApp3.1.0
5 years ago
I have finally been able to fix the problem myself. The cause was that a wrong Web.config was …In: An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
5 years ago
In the development environment, the program runs without problems. Now I hosted it on the IIS …In: An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
5 years ago
Hello Eben,
thanks for your anser. In the Version 2.8 in the appsettings.json you have the entry: …In: Question about the conversion from version 2.8 to 3.0 HttpsRedirectionPort
5 years ago
I have fixed the problem, the cause was the user secrets.
In: Migration problem after conversion to 3.0
5 years ago
By default, I had to move the migration from to the DAL. Since I have a console …In: Migration problem after conversion to 3.0
5 years ago
In the web.config was added new.
<environmentVariable n …In: Question about the conversion from version 2.8 to 3.0 HttpsRedirectionPort
5 years ago
I had the same problem. I assume that your server is an IIS server on Windows.
The domain …In: error list users (app deployed)
5 years ago
In Angular 7 everything was displayed correctly for me. But now the table remains empty. See …In: When scrolling, only the data in the header is displayed.
5 years ago
From the server I get the following message when I call the page:
HTTP Error 502.5 - ANCM Out-Of-Pr …In: Can not open my project on the IIS
6 years ago
I had developed my old project based on QuickApp 2.7.2 with Visual Studio 2017. I hosted it a …In: Can not open my project on the IIS
6 years ago
The should always be displayed in the visible area at the top right. Can someone help me with …In: How do I stick an button to the top of de visible screen
6 years ago
I use a mat accordion as well as in the Setting Module. But I want to prevent, then reopen th …In: Problem with the mat accordion
6 years ago
it exists in the material.module.ts
import { MatDatepickerModule } from '@angular/mater …In: Implementation of Datepicker on a Date field not binding to model
6 years ago
look: …In: Site not working after deploying to my IIS
6 years ago
6 years ago
Unfortunately, I can not solve my present without your help! That's why I ask you to hel …In: Problem with version 2.8
6 years ago
Unfortunately, I can not solve my present without your help! That's why I ask you to hel …In: Problem with version 2.8
6 years ago
I found my error in AboutComponent
import { DBkeys } from './db-Keys';
…In: Issue with the transition from version 2.7 to 2.8
6 years ago
When I call ng serve with the old version, there are no warnings.
WARNING in ./src/app/ser …In: Issue with the transition from version 2.7 to 2.8
6 years ago
I bought the Ultimate version and downloaded the current version down here. In your example o …In: QuickApp Angular 8
6 years ago
Hi speddi,
edit the package.json file.
"scripts": {
change hier the :
…In: Can not create my project exception JavaScript heap out of memory
6 years ago
look at …In: So many user and claims tables???
6 years ago
edit the connection string. If the database with this name not exists, quickapp create a neu …In: Change Database Name
6 years ago
My application is used by many end users. My problem is that Angualr does not support every b …In: How can I tell the user that the browser does not support the application?
6 years ago
After updating to QuickApp Pro 2.7.2, this error occurs again in Visual Studio 2017.
…In: Can not create my project exception JavaScript heap out of memory
6 years ago
<mat-form-field class="example-full-width">
<input matInput placeholder …In: Binding in mat-autocomplete control
6 years ago
I resolve the problem:
Copy/paste the following …In: Can not create my project exception JavaScript heap out of memory
6 years ago
I added new features to my project today. If I want to create my project with VS Studio 2017 …In: Can not create my project exception JavaScript heap out of memory
6 years ago
I see in GitHub QuickApp - ASP NET Core 2.2 / Angular 7 / Bootstrap 4.0 is released.
  …In: When will QuickApp - ASP NET Core 2.2 / Angular 7 project template be released as QuickApp Ultimate?
6 years ago
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