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Post History: Ingo
Our problem was the own name server. This could not dissolve the IP. After we added i …In: Can not get data from the server
6 years ago
Hello Eben,
at first thanks for your help. But I have the same error with the memory. I do not kn …In: Problem with rxjs 6.4.0 by build prod
6 years ago
I have upgrade:
"@angular-devkit/build-angular": "^0.13.6",
" …In: Problem with rxjs 6.4.0 by build prod
6 years ago
6 years ago
I also do not use the table for input.
I use this:
<input matInput formControlName=&qu …In: Format number
6 years ago
currency input I use:
<input matInput formControlName="currencyRate" [readonly] …In: Format number
6 years ago
6 years ago
ERROR in src/app/services/account.service.ts(73,9): error TS2345: Argument of type 'Oper …In: Error after upgrade "rxjs": "6.4.0"
6 years ago
Hello Eben,
I found a better way.
div id="app_container" []="mobil …In: How I can changing rtl/ltr direction dynamically
6 years ago
I would like to have the language in English, but the data collection should be in Arabic.
…In: How I can changing rtl/ltr direction dynamically
6 years ago
First of all thanks for the help. With a new database, the program works flawlessly. That& …In: Problem with a 2nd Login
6 years ago
2019-02-07T12:42:14.9278740-03:00 [INF] Seeding initial data completed (dcd778dd)
2019-02-07 …In: Problem with a 2nd Login
6 years ago
At the first login everything is going well. All tables are displayed correctly on Home.
A …In: Problem with a 2nd Login
6 years ago
If I opens the user management in mobile devices, then the table becomes narrower. How can I …In: Use Quickapp for mobile devices
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
Can the DelayLoadMetadata be the cause of my problem? …In: Can not get data from the server
6 years ago
We are using the default QuickApp implementation. I changed in appsettings.json following string:
…In: Can not get data from the server
6 years ago
My license is about to expire. I would like to extend this
Regards IngoIn: Where I can renew my QuickApp Ultimate - Premium license?
6 years ago
here are the logs:
2019-01-16T12:37:46.5014395+01:00 0HLJRKQIIHQUD:00000002 [ERR] Exceptio …In: Can not get data from the server
6 years ago
I started my application on the IIS.
In the appsettings.json :
"ApplicationUrl&quo …In: Can not get data from the server
6 years ago
I found the error:
"server=SQL-NEW;database=TipWebTest;user id=sa; password …In: Can not exclude a connection to the SQL server
6 years ago
When I start the project on the IIS server I get the following error message:
2019-01-14T1 …In: Can not exclude a connection to the SQL server
6 years ago
I update my project to .Netcore 2.2. Is work fine.
But if I publish the project in VS 2017 …In: Problem after upgrade to .Netcore 2.2
6 years ago
I use QuickApp Ultimate in the current version with .net core 2.1.
On the site https://sta …In: Deploy ASP.NET Core to IIS
6 years ago
I downloaded the project down here, unfortunately everything was not on Angular6In: When will QuickApp Ultimate be upgraded to Angular 7?
6 years ago
6 years ago
open node.js command. change into the directory ClientApp.
run ng serve --open
then yo …In: "Cannot GET /"
6 years ago
Can someone help me here?
Error in function updateRole(role: Role)
return this.accountEnd …In: account.service can not compiled with rxjs 6.3
6 years ago
If I increase the number of lines, then the foot of the table is blended by the footer. See a …In: The footer is over the table
6 years ago
6 years ago
If I have the command npm run build -- --prod I get the error:
customer-ptt.component.html …In: can not create build
6 years ago
In my ts source I want to give back a value based on the row.
For example:
calcData(row: my …In: Is there a way to display data calculated in mat-cell?
6 years ago
Hi KanKathir,
Thank you for your help. Now the site works fine.
Regards IngoIn: Incorrect display in mat-sidenav-content
6 years ago
After logging in, the application will appear as shown in the attachment. Only after a hide a …In: Incorrect display in mat-sidenav-content
6 years ago
I did everything as explained on this page.:
This …In: Need help upgrading from Angular 5 to 6
7 years ago
I make a login as admin. All works fine. Then I make logout and the login control are open. I …In: Impossible to log out and log in again
7 years ago
7 years ago
I use Angular/Material 5 I change:
.app-footer {
margin-top: 2em;
hei …In: The footer is displayed in the wrong position.
7 years ago
if I display more than 2 tables in the dashboard, then the footer is displayed in a table.
What c …In: The footer is displayed in the wrong position.
7 years ago
I try to transfer a file to the server as follows.
uploadProgram(formData: FormData …In: Ingo
7 years ago
I searched for Google for a long time but did not find anything.
In the mat-table I have n …In: How can I use a PercentPipe in ngForm?
7 years ago
I have the following input in my form.
<mat-form-field [floatLabel]="floatLabels&quo …In: Each letter should be automatically converted to uppercase.
7 years ago
I've created an additional role, and now I want only one user with that role to get acce …In: Problem with the authentication
7 years ago
I use the pro QuickApp Pro.
I get follow error message:
Severity Code Description Project …In: Visual Studio 2017 displays errors even though the code is correct
7 years ago
I changed the favicon.ico in the following directories:
wwwroot, Client-App
and changed …In: How can i change the favicon.ico
7 years ago
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