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Post History: tony
i know what you mean - nothing really for 6 months - however, the latest version can be easily updat …In: I think this very good project is not being maintained.
5 years ago
Eugene - YOU ARE THE MAN!!! I knew it was a dev/prod issue - I could get it all running in DEV no i …In: Deploying web app on Azure
5 years ago
mmm I have had no (real) issues with azure deployment, once I worked out the following 'magic&# …In: Deploying web app on Azure
6 years ago
to add to Ingo, my build is:
"build": "node --max_old_space_size=8192 node_modules …In: Can not create my project exception JavaScript heap out of memory
6 years ago
yeap - minor issue - automapper 8 has moved from a static mapper to an instance one, Eben just missi …In: Register User not working in QuickApp Pro
6 years ago
This forum is now archived. Click here for the New Support Forum