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Can not get data from the server

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Our problem was the own name server. This could not dissolve the IP. After we added it the problem was solved.


regards Ingo

Quote from Eben Monney on January 20, 2019, 10:22 pm

The project you sent works well both in VS and IIS in our test environment.
So lets go through the following walk-through to determine if this is a result of a configuration in your environment.

  1. We need to enable viewing of PII logs so we can see more details about the error:
    Add the following line in 

    ConfigureServices() to Startup.cs


    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    IdentityModelEventSource.ShowPII = true; //Add this line
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { IdentityModelEventSource.ShowPII = true; //Add this line ....
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
                IdentityModelEventSource.ShowPII = true; //Add this line
  2. Run the application again to regenerate the error log this time with more details. See if the extra details is helpful in resolving your issue
  3. In your original error logs the primary issue is "No such host is known". This error indicates your configured base address is not reachable.
    - Cross check IIS IP and port binding to make sure they're all setup correctly and no firewall rules or conflicts that restrict access exists
    - Also make sure your https certificates are trusted by your system. If using self-signed certificates for testing copy them into your Trusted Root Certificate store, else they'll be rejected by the certificate validation procedure and authentication for urls will fail.
  4. Start the application and go to this url: "https://test1.talk-ip.de/.well-known/openid-configuration", you should see some json results
  5. If step 5 doesn't work try configuring IIS with a different binding (e.g. https://localhost:44312), then try the new discovery endpoint: e.g. https://localhost:44312/.well-known/openid-configuration. You should get json results

With regards to remote desktop support, I've sent you a mail on how to access that.

Eben Monney

Hello Eben / Ingo,

I am facing the same issues. it is saying.....
issuer must use https, or config value for property requireHttps must allow http"

I am using "QuickApp-PRO-v3.1.0"....followed all default steps, locally everything is working fine...

Thing is, to test I have published it and deployed over the dev server, where no ssl for https has been configured...

Note: I have changed the appsetting and launchsetting files accordingly, remove https redirection.

"ApplicationUrl": "" (my dev site has this public IP, with this port 81 given to this site)

It is Redirecting to log in page successfully, but when using credentials to log in, giving issues as said above.

I tried the step you mention in point no. 4, hitting the below-given URL, which returns me some JSON values.

This returns me some JSON values.

I want to suppress or disable https for my dev site. Any solution or help would be greatly appreciated.


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