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How I can changing rtl/ltr direction dynamically


I would like to have the language in English, but the data collection should be in Arabic.

I would like to be able to change the direction of the input for my program via an option. Can someone help me or give a tip here?


Regards Ingo

Will this fit your requirements?

<input dir="rtl" id="foo"/>

Details can be found here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7524855/right-to-left-text-html-input


Hello Eben,

I found a better way.

div id="app_container" [class.is-mobile]="mobileQuery.matches" class="nav-container" [dir]="drectionality">

I add the [dir] into the app.component.html. Its work fine.


Thanks for your help.

Regards Ingo

Good approach.
Glad you got it working.

Eben Monney

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