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Kendo UI component integration

Hi Eben,

I'd like to use Kendo UI 5 Angular native components with the QuickApp Pro template.

At the moment the Kendo Angular 5 controls are in preview for Material theme so I thought I would try and use the bootstrap based controls instead (assume you can still use boostrap in this solution if you need to?).


The Kendo UI Bootstrap theme depends on the Twitter Bootstrap framework.  So I installed as per their doc

Run npm install --save @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap.

I Installed the version of the bootstrap framework specified as a peer dependency (3.3.7)

I added a simple page to render so,me drop down widgets.

I'm hitting this error (see attached log)

Uncaught TypeError: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__angular_core__.OpaqueToken is not a constructor

and a number of other similar warnings e.g.

11:21-32 "export 'OpaqueToken' was not found in '@angular/core'

Any idea what might be the issue here?







Hey Eben,

Hang fire on this as I don't want to waste your time.  I think the issue was I was referencing a pretty old version of Kendo UI for Angular (before opaquetoken was deprecated).  Even though they just released their VS/NET CORE 2.0 template a couple of weeks ago!


Suggestion: Add support for Kendo UI components as a pro feature 🙂





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Great. I'll consider Kendo UI support for future versions.

Hi Eben

Great startup app.

I'm using Kendo UI, so could provide an update to your QuickApp template, replacing the todo demo with a Kendo grid.



Hello Keith,

That'll be lovely. Do share a repository.

