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Long debug start time


Each time I start the application from visual studio within debug mode to test something it takes 1 minute 30 to start. This is due to Angular performing the entire compilation / build each time over and over again.

Most of the time I'm only making a minor change to see the effect or test if something is indeed resolved, but I do need to stop the application and start it again, waiting another 1:30 minutes.

Is there some way to speed up this proces? I already tried starting it with the command prompt with either ng server --aot and some other flags, but that does not change much. The development machine is running on SSD disks with a lot of RAM and CPU in place. This is killing my development speed, hope there is something to work a lot more efficient.

Hope to hear from you,

Best regards,



Try the following to see if it helps with your situation.

  1. Debug a fresh/blank copy of an angular project to see if the issue is related to specific components/configurations in your current project or its a generic issue. If its a generic issue you'll want to go through the below steps to try to speed up your development experience
  2. Test your project with "start without debugging" as this doesn't incur the cost of loading the debugger
  3. Disable "Enable JavaScript debugging for ASP.NET (Chrome and IE)" in Tools > Options > Debugging > General >
  4. Disable "Enable Diagnostic Tools while debugging in Tools → Options → Debugging"
  5. Disable "IntelliTrace, in Tools -> Options -> IntelliTrace

If this is specific to your project you might have to share your package.json and startup.cs files from your project.
You can send to support@ebenmonney.com

Eben Monney

Thank you for your detailed reply Eben. It seems to be QuickApp related, other angular application start a lot quicker. We are just playing around with the QuickApp as is and only changed the URL and SQL Connectionstring within the startup configuration.

What version of QuickApp do you use?
Can you send the same package you're testing with to support@ebenmonney.com for further testing?

Eben Monney