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Purcased question and updates

I would like to remove the order n. # 1648 because I have already proceeded to purchase QuickApp Total Pack with order number # 1662.
I would like this purchase to appear in my profile, currently I see only the order to be deleted.
My account is adriano.denisco@gmail.com.
Where can I look for future product updates?
Thank you


I did buy "QuickApp Standard - Premium ASP.NET Core/Angular5 Template with Bootstrap4 × 1"  yesterday, no further updates on my front. Order is approved on PP but I havent received the source code. How did u other guys get the source code available?

Best regards,

I received a summary e-mail with the download link immediately after payment.

I think if the purchase is not assigned to the account you can not download from the site. This is the problem I have now..


What? I didn't receive any download link after the payment completed and receiving of the order number.

When you purchase do you get working source code for the missing Customer, Product, Order sections?

Trying to reverse engineer it (as a template for other entities) from the free version looks like a lot of work.