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Register/login on production server


I just published my web app to IIS having. Home page is shown but cannot login or register. I checked and found all tables are created but not with data in its database.

What could be the reason? help please..



You should find some more information to what happened in the logs folder. But from your description its possible data seeding failed.

You can do the following to try and reseed the database.

  • Stop the website. This is important because seeding happens only on application startup. See here for the seeding line
  • Delete the database OR rename the name of the database from appsettings.json. This is important to recreate the DB
  • Ensure the credentials used in the connectionstring has enough permission to create db and seed it with data
  • Restart the website. If it doesn't work look for the particular error line in the log files and post it here

Hi Eben,

Thanks for reply. It worked.

While publishing from VS2017 there are 2 checkboxes available for DB update. First for Database itself and second is for Migration updates. I forgot to check first one. Thats why seeding did not work.


Glad you figured it out.

I am using the enterprise PRO version and I  unable to add a role or a user. I am getting a popup on my screen with the following error message.