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Site not working after deploying to my IIS

I have issues deploying on IIS server, as it says it should work  once you publish it but it was not showing on my server. I tried to change my hosting model to outofprocess to inprocess and I was not able to get any error log but it doesn't show the site instead it showing "

This site can’t be reached

". I also tried to put the files on my wwwroot but it doesn't still work. Need this deployment asap. Thank you.




Thank you for the link, I also visited that before I did this post but I appreciated it. Unfortunately, it didn't work until I set my deployed application to port 80 as my default site. Previously, I am trying to do it with different port but I'm not sure why it didn't work. I had a couple of test where I made a separate site for both client and the server side(asp.net core ) but it doesn't work. So, I am applying now the deployment on port 80 as my default site on my server. Thank you very much for the quick response.